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Speak Up, Cup!

Speak Up, Cup!

Check out our new site: Speak Up, Cup
Twitter: @speakupcup


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Newest Short: Ep 6!

"Episode 6 is finished! It takes a second to load, so if you see a white box for a second don't panic."

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Really, Super, Old, Gross Shorts

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06.03.09 | Movie Time!

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Wish you could look at cup even when you're not at Well, now you can!

Our Story

What exactly is Shut Up, Cup?

Well, is a collaborative effort between two high school seniors, Brent Galloway & Jake Downs. It is a semi-annually updated webcomic starring Jake, Brent, their friends and family- and of course, a very special character named, cup. It is also a portfolio-type site for the boys to showcase their creative talents.

Okay seriously, what's the deal with this cup?

Heh, well- cup was originally created by Sean Cowburn & Jake Downs in the 6th grade. As the story goes, while they were attending Delaware Christian School, their music teacher, Mr. Shirley, had a 'singing' musical cup which would play a song whenever someone picked up. So- every time the teacher would go to take a drink the thing would play its song, and students would yell, Shut up, cup! Sean then expanded the idea, writing short stories which he'd give to Jake to draw, about a cup designed by the U.S. government to stop world disasters, but leaders always neglected him. Brushing him off with the signature catch-phrase in the last cell of each comic. Sean & Jake made a full comic book and everyone enjoyed it. Well, that is until one day when a fellow (jealous) classmate ripped it to shreds.

So, where does this Brent kid come in?

Funny you should ask- that's the next part of the story! Well, when Jake started attending Buckeye Valley his freshman year, he met Brent Galloway who was fascinated by Jake's drawings and when he found the original taped-up comic book he was so inspired by it that he asked Jake if they could remake the whole series. So, that's just what they did.

Okay, so when did you start this lame website?

Well, this lame-o website got started in March of 2006 when Jake started taking Laura Julien's Wonderful World of Web Design class at Findlay High School. To date there have been 9 different versions of the website- each drastically different and improved from the last.

Well- that's cool, anything else we should know?

Heh- well... if you did make it all the way down here you probably are at least a little interested in our work and you could definitely help us out by purchasing a mug or t-shirt from our shop. We're not greedy, but hosting does cost money. Plus, all your friends will think you're cool and you'll win the lottery.*

*not actually true.